Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Achieve total financial freedom

To focus on how to achieve total financial freedom, visualisation techniques can be very helpful. Not just once in a while imagining and dreaming of where you want to be, but making it a regular practise every day.

The techniques are simple and easy to follow; you only need some persistence to keep on doing them.

To start with; picture yourself where you really would like to be in your life. Picture yourself in an ideal situation. How would it look? Would you have a lot of money, a big house, and a nice car? Or maybe you have a specific goal that you would like to achieve, like a certain job in a certain company. Maybe you even want to be the successful owner of your own business.

Make that picture very clear in your mind, and keep focusing on it. To help you keep your focus and to remind your self of your goal, you can make picture cards. Cut out pictures from magazines that represent your goals and stick them on a carton frame. Take a picture of yourself and include it on the same frame. This picture frame you hang on a place where you can see it often.

The same you can do with your goals in writing, write them on small cards the size of a credit card and carry them with you so you can remind yourself often.
.) Write your favourite sentences on paper and hang them on the wall so you see them as often as possible. I have mine hanging over the door to my bedroom and over my working desk.

If you are serious about your wish to achieve total financial freedom and to work on yourself, then keep reading.

The techniques of visualization, setting goals and making clear plans, is a subject that needs more attention than this brief introduction I just gave you.

I am using a very good workbook that is a course in how to achieve total financial freedom. It is made by Darel Rutherford, and is called "The Money Solutions Workbook". The book contains the essence of what you need to know about creating wealth. The book contains a lot of practical exercises and is easy to read.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Do You Things You Own Make You Happy

IPODs, Plasma Televisions, 2 new cars, 3000 square footage home. Are these things that you own or would like to purchase? Are you the type that when you see your next door neighbor with a new car that is when you decide it is time to purchase you a new one?

Today we live in a society that dictates that happiness comes from having money, power, living in a big house, driving a fancy car and owning the latest gadgets that we see advertised on the television on a hourly basis. These commercials try to make us think that we need these things in our life in order to function.

When you look around your home and if you own the best of everything can you really say that you are truly happy? Does living large and having plenty of money really give you a good night sleep? Or do you stay up at night trying to figure out how to make more money or keep people from taking away the things that you already own? Do you own the things that you have or do the things you have own you?

According to the lyrics of one of P Diddy's songs, "more money, more problems." Because of the recent recall of over a million toys by Mattel in China, a Hong Kong business toymaker owner committed suicide.

If we look at history which often repeats itself, people who are wealthy are not necessarily always happy. A good example being Howard Hughes. Howard Hughes was an American Aviator, Engineer, Industrialist, Film producer, and Director and one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Hughes died a recluse, leaving billions to be split among relatives. His reclusive activities and drug use made him practically unrecognizable at his death; his hair, beard, fingernails, and toenails had grown grossly long, his once-strapping 6'4" frame now weighed barely 90lbs and the FBI had to resort to fingerprints to identify his body. Does this sound like a man who after becoming wealthy led a happy life?

Shows like MTV Cribs allow cameras into the private homes and lifestyles of the young celebrities. We are constantly reminded by the news media that these celebrities are living lavish and some very unhealthy fast lives. After viewing these young people with the "me attitude," they seem to really have empty very sad lives and it seems as if they are running themselves to an early grave.

These young celebrities are the faces of the posters that are hanging on the walls of our young people, these are the people they are idolizing and wanting to be like. They want to live the "lavish" lifestyles that these celebrities have.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Is your home safe

As homeowners, one can have access to the cheapest possible rates on interest in the UK loan market. The home can be used effectively to raise huge funds from the market and there isn't either any need to sell it off. Secured Loans allow borrowers to put their home as security and avail money. But, there is a risk factor involved in the deal as in case the borrower fails to repay the outstanding amount, his home can be repossessed by the lender.

Life is uncertain... anything can happen anytime. Accidents, job-loss, failure in business and sickness are some of the unfortunate events that can happen to anyone. But, the loan instalments are still to be paid whatever may happen. So, what to do to make sure that your home is safe? State benefits can be one probable solution but you can't really rely on other's favour. Insurance is what you may opt for to ensure that your home is safe and secure.

Secured loans can be insured in a number of ways. There are plenty of insurance packages available in the UK loan market. Even the lenders nowadays offer PPI (payment protection insurance) that covers your loan instalments. Under this scheme, the borrower has to pay a monthly premium along with the loan instalments and in case, you meet with an accident or fall ill, the rest of the due amount will be paid by the insurer. This way, you save your home as well as save for the future as most lenders offer full refund of PPI on secured loans.

To justify the importance of PPI, especially in case of secured loans, Clive Briault, FSA Managing Director of Retails Market said: “When properly structured, explained and sold, payment protection insurance can provide worthwhile cover for consumers against unexpected changes in their personal circumstances. We were therefore pleased to see that sales of regular premium PPI sold with loans are generally compliant.”

So, whenever you procure secured loans from the market, make sure that you are taking some insurance cover to eliminate the risk involved in the loan deal.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Salary of Financial Consultant

The main idea is that Salary Of Financial Consultant management is not an easy thing to do. It takes painstaking hours of the effort and a very methodical approach. One of the most successful Salary Of Financial Consultant managers, , is well known for stalwart effort and smooth operations. Like they said last year during the appointment process, "Get with the ticket or get out".

Forget it man! You really have to be kidding. I'm not the type to start a Financial flame war, but after Sam Heft's remarks about it, maybe I should. I'm tired of the SOS and crap remarks about otheres. Fight fire with fire! Don't worry about it, I think all is well. We have many irons in the fire, and we've spread out our risk sufficiently. Despite the fact that many Financial industry experts agree on most all ideas, a few have splintered off into a rouge faction that tends to hold more traditional points of view.

More Salary Of Financial Consultant news, by Sossong Smither

August 30th, 2007

So just what did Sossong Smither discover' Perhaps the holy grail of the Salary Of Financial Consultant, which many have been working on since the late 80's. Friends, neighbors, and elected officials of all left the auditorium with a great sense of satisfaction. Salary Of Financial Consultant has been on their minds for a while, and they were generally please with the Salary Of Financial Consultant results provided by Haines Seymoure. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source close to the Salary Of Financial Consultant study suggested that Haines Seymoure's work might have some flaws, but it's conceptual conclusions about Salary Of Financial Consultant make sense. "I don't doubt the conclusions of Cini Doshier, but the data is still shakey," suggested the source, "...and, undoubtedly there will be others in this Salary Of Financial Consultant area that attempt to recreate this study." "Prior to today, everyone was completely in the dark...but, patience prevailed and we now see the value of Salary Of Financial Consultant for the general public and high level government employees," remarked Fredenburg Bohringer. "The people and government of are grateful". "I can't get over these amazing results," cried Becraft Santeramo, "Politicians, scientists, and poets will all be thankful for this day in ". Another session in the auditorium is planned for the weekend, for anyone else that missed the general Salary Of Financial Consultant speech originally scheduled for Thursday. " is now on the map for good", cheered the mayor, Orbison Mosley. "I am surprised and not surprised all at the same time. This is great Salary Of Financial Consultant news and great news for . Just in from Los Angeles, Stroble Marcinkowski turns over a new leaf with ground breaking news about Salary Of Financial Consultant. The assitant of Grabner Penrose, Kenner Roadruck, was also markedly pleased by today's events. Kenner Roadruck provided a report and summary, along with a brief statement about the news for the local papers. Kenner Roadruck has been a long time resident of Los Angeles and frequents the auditorium as a guest piano player in the Los Angeles orchestra. In conclusion, what does this really mean' Ruland Kirch said it best: "More questions have been raised, but at least there some more answers about this Salary Of Financial Consultant topic...I believe we're all off on a better foot, and the complexities of Salary Of Financial Consultant have been dissolved," raved Ruland Kirch. Other reporters joined the frenzy, including Gunst Elizando of Channel 6 News, a noted investigative reporter in Los Angeles and national literary figure. Gunst Elizando's report contained a great biography of the Salary Of Financial Consultant researcher, a time-line of the road to victory, and some fun anecdotal stories about Salary Of Financial Consultant from around Los Angeles.


    Saturday, October 27, 2007

    Restore Your Credit – Simple Steps for Success

    Restoring your credit score really takes some common sense wisdom. With the easy to follow advice I provide you can boost your credit score. This advice comes from myself who did suffer the impact bad credit has on every day life. Allow me to save you from yourself.

    Step 1 - Evaluate Your Current Situation

    Most people with bad credit are completely unaware of how much debt they actually have.

    Quite frequently people forget about delayed payments on purchases such as furniture and appliance purchases that feature "Don't pay for a Year" credit programs. This is a typical sales tactic in the home furnishings industry where you apply for a store line of credit. You get the merchandise today and the bill won't arrive for an entire year.

    Most consumers feel they will be able to pay the bill within the year however they don't and this is what the stores are counting on. Not only does the store make a profit on the merchandise they have built a residual income via the interest charges on the items you purchased.

    Tip: Adopt a household rule that if you can't pay cash for items such as furniture you won't buy it.

    In order to restore your credit rating it is imperative that you take inventory of every debt owing to creditors. There's no way to make forward progress without first knowing your exact situation.

    To fully understand your current credit situation write down every line of credit on a sheet of paper (or computer spreadsheet). This is a good start however to really get an accurate picture you will need to get a file folder or large envelope and when every bill arrives in the mail, pay the bill and then place the bill in the envelope.

    After a full month review your bills because you will now be aware of the true picture because all your bills will be right there in front of you. Add the forgotten lines of credit and bills to your list on your sheet of paper or spreadsheet.

    Step 2 - Reduce Your Expenses

    To begin reducing expenses start by looking at your credit card and bank account statements. Review all the small expenses such as lunches and coffee charges you have made over the month. How much could you save if you cut back on those expenses?

    Eating out was one of my biggest expenses in the past. By cutting down on the amount of restaurant lunches I was able to save over $500 per month!

    Another way to reduce expenses is to call your creditors and ask for a reduction in the interest rate. Quite frequently your credit card company will instantly reduce your interest rate because they want to retain you as a customer and they know another bank might give you a better rate.

    Step 3 - Review Life Events

    People with bad credit often get into this situation because of over-spending caused by an emotional trigger. In most cases where people have dug themselves into a pit of debt there has been some kind of negative event in life that has occurred. The event could be as simple as an argument with a spouse.

    Do your best to identify the times that you spent beyond your means and make note of the dates as best you can.

    It's important to understand that when something goes wrong in life, people have a tendency to feel a sense of deserving. They feel that because something went wrong they deserve better and then go on to indulge in luxuries in an attempt to make the pain go away. Indulging does not make the pain stop, it only brings new pain in the form of bad credit!

    Once you have noted roughly when you started over-spending on credit you will need to look at those dates and determine if there is something from your past that occurred at that time. Your subconscious mind maybe at work here, if you can figure out the life event that happened that could be causing you to spend out of control you can then begin to allow your conscience mind to make better decisions.

    Step 4 - Prepare a Budget

    At this point you have reviewed all your bills including utilities, credit cards, loans and every other bill that has arrived in your mailbox.

    You now know exactly what you owe so budgeting will be a breeze for you. In fact I tricked you into budgeting in step 1.

    I told you to take every bill that comes in the door and make note of it and that my friend is where budgeting begins. You now have all your expenses and you have reviewed your frivolous spending on luxury items such as lunches out and expensive coffees. Now all you need to do is stick to the plan you put together in the first step and stick to it.

    You should review your budget at each payday to make sure you are following your spending plan, the one I tricked you into creating.

    Step 5 - Treat Yourself

    After saying to cut out your luxury items such as a really great lunch outing. Now I am going to tell you that you should add to your budget a once a month or once each pay period special treat day.

    Yes, you work hard and should reward yourself occasionally. Notice that I said occasionally!

    It is important to have a special day once a month or every second week where you pamper yourself. If you don't reward yourself at regular intervals there is a very good chance that you will end up binge spending and get yourself into more debt.

    Step 6 - Read this article regularly

    Get control of your spending and adopt good habits by reviewing my advice on an ongoing basis to ensure you get out and stay out of debt.


    Monday, October 22, 2007

    Alive Worldwide, Brand New Income Opportunity That Shatters It's Predecessors.

    Alive Worldwide is a thriving, new income opportunity, created by industry professional, Scotty Paulson, which allows people at levels of experience to earn an substantial income from home.

    - LAKE PLACID, NY, A New Home Based Business Venture that comes from deep inside the Brazilian Rain forest and provides a new energy boost called Cheia Vida. This new energy boost has a powerful combination of Acai, Yerba Mate, Greet Tea, and Cha de Bugre and is completely jitter free.

    FortunesAlive.com is under the guidance of Scotty Paulson's Alive Worldwide and has diligently gone above and beyond at every stage of production for their new product called Cheia Vida which also means "full of life". The ingredients used are strictly researched and chosen for their extraordinarily rich and unique Attributes. These ingredients were purchased only from ecologically responsible farms that adhere to sustainable harvesting and extraction practices. These practices are paramount to protecting rain forests that are now in peril.

    Alive Worldwide chooses ingredients in this fashion and painstakingly because they are committed hole heartedly to ensuring that customers enjoy a more free, more active and healthier life style that is also side effect free. Fortunes Alive.com says they simply want everyone to live their life to the fullest!

    FortunesAlive.com is also committed to bringing extra income to home based business entrepreneurs and makes joining their program easy with a flexible compensation plan that was designed for motivating people at all levels of experience. This home based business is designed to let entrepreneurs either partner with other Alive World Wide on a full time basis or by simply just giving entrepreneurs a reward for recommending our exceptional liquid nutrition to your friends and family.

    For the First Time in Network Marketing history a plan has been developed so well balanced that even part time associates have a opportunity to earn several thousand dollars a month while full-time associates have the opportunity to earn a six-figure income or even more, all while working from the convenience of their own home. It gives an opportunity for anyone to fulfill their dreams.


    Saturday, October 13, 2007

    Does Your AD&D Cover What You Need it To Cover?

    Have you read the fine print in your Accidental Death and Dismemberment policy? Typically, AD&D is a rider on a basic life or health insurance policy that pays if the insured is dismembered or killed in an accident situation. Before you pay for this extra coverage, you may want to familiarize yourself with exactly what is covered in your policy.

    A Truck is Not a CarRecently, a disturbing lawsuit involving an Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) policy claim in Canada was brought to my attention. An employee at an accounting firm had been killed in an accident while driving a company-rented vehicle to a business meeting. Her survivors were denied the AD&D insurance payment because the company-rented vehicle was a pickup and the policy only covered cars. The deceased employee’s family argues that this distinction was not spelled out clearly enough and filed a suit against the employer and the insurance company. The suit has not yet been resolved, but this case underscores the importance of understanding your coverage.

    Cost Effective But Often Limited

    AD&D can be a cost effective way to boost your insurance coverage, but the policies may be very limited in what they cover, and the coverage may vary widely from policy to policy. You must read your own policy to find out not only what the policy covers but also under what circumstances.

    Stipulations and Conditions

    In some cases, there may be stipulations to the coverage. For example, there may be a requirement that your death or injuries occur within a certain time frame from the accident date. You (or your heirs) may have to provide burdensome proof that the injury or death was indeed the direct result of the accident rather than simply something that happened afterward. In dismemberment cases, there may also be different benefits for losing one member (hand, foot, limb, or sight in one eye) versus two.

    Read the Policy!

    With any insurance coverage, it makes sense to read over the policy before you decide to commit to payment. If your company is paying for it, it is still a good idea to check what is covered, because if you are counting on that additional benefit in an accident situation, you should know exactly what constitutes an accident and what things are included. If your work coverage does not cover the right things for your profession, you may want to explore your own policies, or you may simply elect to purchase more regular life insurance.

    AD&D can be the right choice for many people, but as with any form of insurance, it is up to you to research and select the right policy.

    Suzanna de Baca is President of Private Capital Solutions Group. She is a Registered Representative and Financial Advisor of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS), 7 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004, (888) 600-4667. Securities products/services and advisory services are offered through PAS, a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor. Private Capital Solutions Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS.

    PAS is a member NASD, SIPC.

    Material discussed is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only and it is not to be construed as tax, legal or investment advice. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed reliable, please note that individual situations can vary, therefore the information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.


    Saturday, October 6, 2007

    Discover The Value Of Canny Mortgage Research

    Don't let your greed for a mortgage override your good sense. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    You hear people griping about the cost of consumer products these days. The socialist-student-worker-miser believes capitalism is inherently wicked. Someone is out to screw him. The truth is 'yes', someone is out to screw you, and will, but only if you let them. They're not obliged to get you the best deal, and you're not obliged to take the first deal they offer. Don't let your greed for a mortgage override your good sense. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    Start with banks and well known credit unions. When you begin to research, it's best to start with your current bank, or with large credit unions. These have solid reputations. You may not get the best rate with a large bank, but the security can be worth it.

    If you're in the UK, see if the company is a member of the Finance Industry Standards Association (FISA) and registered under the Data Protection Act (DPA).

    A mortgage is an agreement between a borrower and a lender. Determine first what type you're looking for: fixed rate, variable rate, capped, buy-to-let, bad credit, self-certification, and proceed from there. This will cut down your research time.

    There's no need to apply all over the shop. Try for one from a high street bank, a high street building society, a credit union, an independent loan company and an internet-based one. The trick is to weed out the high interest rates and fees at one end, and the cubicle farm operations at the other. The latter won't give two straws if you get into financial difficulties. If your application to a good 'un gets rejected, shrug it off and move onto the next best option.

    Ensure that you think about your budget. No matter how cheap your deal may be, pay it off as quickly as you can to avoid interest piling up.

    However, it's important not to overstretch yourself. Save a portion of your regular monthly income as cover for emergencies and unexpected bills.


    Wednesday, October 3, 2007

    Books To Watch For - Spring '06 by Todd S.

    - The Number by Lee Eisenberg (1/06, Free Press) - If you have walked into any Barnes & Noble since New Year's it would have been impossible to miss this book. We think it is a great book. Eisenberg takes Gladwell-like look at the complexities of retirement. As I said in my prior post, this one had me on an emotional rollercoaster. It is a great book and one everyone should read.

    - The Wal-Mart Effect by Charles Fishman - The long-time Fast Company editor writes an amazing book on what drives Wal-Mart and how that drives our economy. He has firsthand accounts from employees who started some of the company's biggest businesses. He also talks with suppliers about what it is like to work with the retail giant. What Fishman does best is shed some light a company that the public really doesn't know much about.

    - Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars by Pat Lencioni (2/06, Jossey-Bass) - We have just started reading this one, but it is hard to bet against this author after the classics of Death by Meeting and Five Dysfunctions of A Team.

    - The Ultimate Question by Fred Reichheld (3/06, Harvard Business School Press) - Reichheld has been writing books on customer loyalty for a number of years. He has done the research to show that you can ditch all the 47 question satisfaction surveys and ask your customers one simple question - "Would you recommend us to someone else?"

    - The Radical Edge by Steve Farber (4/06, Kaplan) - Jack just got done reading the manuscript and he says he may like it more than Radical Leap. Many of the familiar characters are back. This time, it is about taking personal responsibility and living life on your terms.
